tissue | specimen
Usofila pacifica (Banks, 1894)
Animalia > Arthropoda > Arachnida > Araneae > Telemidae > Usofila


Accepted NameUsofila pacifica (Banks, 1894)
TaxonomyAnimalia > Arthropoda > Arachnida > Araneae > Telemidae > Usofila
Name According toCatalogue of Life
Original NameUsofila pacifica
Taxonomy Original NameAnimalia > Arthropoda > Arachnida > Araneae > Telemidae > Usofila > pacifica
Status Original Nameaccepted species
Resolving Stateresolved on species level

Gathering Event

CountryUnited States (Central or North America)
LocalityPrince of Wales Island, Staney Ck. 1A
Biotopeclear cut
Collector(s)Collector(s): J. Stockbridge, B. Wong
Collector's numbers.n.
Collection Date2011-07-12/2011-07-27
Collecting Sourcewild


Catalog NumberUAM:Ento:266649
Collection CodeEnto
Institution CodeUAM
Institution Full NameArctos/University of Alaska Museum of the North
Record BasisMaterialSample
Sample Typetissue
Establishment Meanswild caught


Typewhole organism (70% ethanol)
StaffDusty L. McDonald


Status: Permit not available
Unknown permit type

University of Alaska Museum (UAM) Insect specimens (Arctos) for GGBN

DescriptionThe UAM Insect collection is the northern-most facility of its kind in the United States. 98.5% of our records are from Alaska. Although a young collection (begun in 2000), we have recently surpassed 280,000 records representing over 1.8 million specimens (as of Jan 2018), making this collection among the top ten largest in the US in entomology based on data served to iDigBio. Over 99% of these records have been georeferenced. Over 75% of the pinned collection has been databased; approximately 10% of the wet collection has been databased. At least one specimen of every lowest identification, in both the pinned and wet collections, has been databased so we have a complete online taxon inventory of the collection. 161,627 specimens have been identified to the species level - these represent 3,264 species. Coleoptera, Araneae, Odonata, and Hymenoptera are the most well-curated groups. 70,634 of these specimen records have been cited or otherwise used in 64 peer-reviewed publications. Please use this DOI to cite this collection / dataset: http://dx.doi.org/doi:10.7299/X75D8S0H
RightsTo the extent possible under law, the publisher has waived all rights to these data and has dedicated them to the Public Domain (CC0 1.0). Users may copy, modify, distribute and use the work, including for commercial purposes, without restriction.
CitationUniversity of Alaska Museum Insect Collection (UAM), University of Alaska Fairbanks. http://dx.doi.org/doi:10.7299/X75D8S0H


Curator of Insects
Derek Sikes, dssikes@alaska.edu
Genomic Resources Collection Manager
Kyndall Hildebrandt, kbhildebrandt@alaska.edu , 907 Yukon Drive, AK US, 99775-6960, (907) 474-6914
Information Architect
John Wieczorek, gtuco.btuco@gmail.com , Bariloche, Río Negro AR, 8401
Arctos Database Programmer
Dusty McDonald, dustymc@gmail.com


Accepted NameUsofila pacifica (Banks, 1894)
TaxonomyAnimalia > Arthropoda > Arachnida > Araneae > Telemidae > Usofila
Name According toCatalogue of Life
Original NameUsofila pacifica
Taxonomy Original NameAnimalia > Arthropoda > Arachnida > Araneae > Telemidae > Usofila > pacifica
Status Original Nameaccepted species
Resolving Stateresolved on species level

Gathering Event

CountryUnited States (Central or North America)
LocalityPrince of Wales Island, Staney Ck. 1A
Biotopeclear cut
Collector(s)Collector(s): J. Stockbridge, B. Wong
Collector's numbers.n.
Collection Date2011-07-12/2011-07-27
Collecting Sourcewild


GUID/Occurrence IDhttp://arctos.database.museum/guid/UAM:Ento:266649
Catalog NumberUAM:Ento:266649
Collection CodeEnto
Institution CodeUAM
Institution Full NameArctos/University of Alaska Museum of the North
Record BasisPreservedSpecimen
Sample Typespecimen
Establishment Meansnot provided

Arctos Cataloged Items for GGBN

DescriptionExtract of cataloged item records from all of Arctos for use only with GGBN as parent records to tissue samples published for Arctos participant collections.
RightsThis work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial (CC-BY-NC) 4.0 License.


Dusty MacDonald, dustymc@gmail.com , US, N/A
Information architect
John Wieczorek, gtuco.btuco@gmail.com , 3622 33rd Ave W, WA US, 98199, 2242088267
John Wieczorek, tuco@berkeley.edu , N/A, N/A
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