tissue | specimen
Abrothrix longipilis (Waterhouse, 1837)
Animalia > Chordata > Mammalia > Rodentia > Cricetidae > Abrothrix


Accepted NameAbrothrix longipilis (Waterhouse, 1837)
TaxonomyAnimalia > Chordata > Mammalia > Rodentia > Cricetidae > Abrothrix
Name According toCatalogue of Life
Original NameAbrothrix longipilis ssp.
Taxonomy Original NameAnimalia > Chordata > Mammalia > Rodentia > Cricetidae > Abrothrix > longipilis
Status Original Nameaccepted subspecies
Resolving Stateresolved on species level

Gathering Event

CountryArgentina (South America)
LocalityDepto. Los Lagos, 0.8 km E, 3.3 km N of junction of Rta. 234 with Rio Pichi Traful
Collector(s)Collector(s): Richard D. Sage
Collector's number16584
Collection Date2003-05-21
Collecting Sourcewild


Catalog NumberMVZ:Mamm:201062
Collection CodeMamm
Institution CodeMVZ
Institution Full NameArctos/University of California, Berkeley, Museum of Vertebrate Zoology
Record BasisPreservedSpecimen
Sample Typetissue
Establishment Meanswild caught


Typetissue (95% ethanol)
StaffRosalind G. Bump


Status: Permit not available
Unknown permit type
Status: Permit not available
Unknown permit type

MVZ Mammal Collection (Arctos) for GGBN

DescriptionThe MVZ mammal collection is the fourth largest in the United States and the second largest such collection associated with a U.S. academic institution. It contains over 228,000 skin, skull, skeleton and fluid-preserved specimens. Over 33,700 are also represented by frozen or fluid preserved tissues. The collection includes 364 type specimens, making it the fourth largest collection of such specimens in the US. Karyotype (chromosome) preparations are available for ca. 4,000 rodent specimens. These consist of slides of chromosome preparations and, in some cases, black and white photos and/or 35 mm negatives of chromosome spreads. The mammal collection also houses large series of lab-raised specimens from research by Francis B. Sumner, Richard D. Sage, and William Z. Lidicker.
RightsTo the extent possible under law, the publisher has waived all rights to these data and has dedicated them to the Public Domain (CC0 1.0). Users may copy, modify, distribute and use the work, including for commercial purposes, without restriction.
CitationMuseum of Vertebrate Zoology (MVZ), University of California, Berkeley


Staff Curator of Mammals
Chris Conroy, ondatra@berkeley.edu , 3101 Valley Life Science Building, CA US, 94720-3160, (510) 643-7709
VertNet Coordinator
David Bloom, dbloom@vertnet.org
Information Architect
John Wieczorek, gtuco.btuco@gmail.com
Arctos Database Programmer
Dusty McDonald, dlmcdonald@alaska.edu
Faculty Curator of Mammals
Eileen Lacey, ealacey@berkeley.edu , 3101 Valley Life Sciences Building, CA US, 94720-3160, (510) 643-0284
Faculty Curator of Mammals
James Patton, patton@berkeley.edu , 3101 Valley Life Sciences Building, CA US, 94720-3160, (510) 643-7712


Accepted NameAbrothrix longipilis (Waterhouse, 1837)
TaxonomyAnimalia > Chordata > Mammalia > Rodentia > Cricetidae > Abrothrix
Name According toCatalogue of Life
Original NameAbrothrix longipilis ssp.
Taxonomy Original NameAnimalia > Chordata > Mammalia > Rodentia > Cricetidae > Abrothrix > longipilis
Status Original Nameaccepted subspecies
Resolving Stateresolved on species level

Gathering Event

CountryArgentina (South America)
LocalityDepto. Los Lagos, 0.8 km E, 3.3 km N of junction of Rta. 234 with Rio Pichi Traful
Collector(s)Collector(s): Richard D. Sage
Collector's number16584
Collection Date2003-05-21
Collecting Sourcewild


GUID/Occurrence IDhttp://arctos.database.museum/guid/MVZ:Mamm:201062
Catalog NumberMVZ:Mamm:201062
Collection CodeMamm
Institution CodeMVZ
Institution Full NameArctos/University of California, Berkeley, Museum of Vertebrate Zoology
Record BasisPreservedSpecimen
Sample Typespecimen
Establishment Meansnot provided

Arctos Cataloged Items for GGBN

DescriptionExtract of cataloged item records from all of Arctos for use only with GGBN as parent records to tissue samples published for Arctos participant collections.
RightsThis work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial (CC-BY-NC) 4.0 License.


Dusty MacDonald, dustymc@gmail.com , US, N/A
Information architect
John Wieczorek, gtuco.btuco@gmail.com , 3622 33rd Ave W, WA US, 98199, 2242088267
John Wieczorek, tuco@berkeley.edu , N/A, N/A
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