GGBN Conference 2018/Vendor Information
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Dear Industry Colleague,

We cordially invite you to represent your company at the GGBN 2018 Conference which will take place from May 22-25, 2018 in Vienna, Austria. It will be jointly organized by the AIT Austrian Institute of Technology, the Global Genome Biodiversity Network (GGBN), the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences (BOKU) and the Austrian Association of Molecular Life Sciences and Biotechnology (ÖGMBT).

The GGBN 2018 Conference will bring together scientists working on long-term preservation of genomic samples representing the diversity of non-human life on Earth, DNA and tissue collections, establishing standards for genomic samples, improving best practices for the preservation and use of such collections. A focus will be laid on the characterization of these collections using state-of-the-art genotyping and sequencing methodologies (SNP chip, high throughput genotyping-by-sequencing). Sponsorship at this international conference will give your company maximum visibility and contact opportunities to the decision makers in this field.

Scientic sessions will adress

  • Biodiversity - current challenges, future chances
  • Forest biological diversity - losses and gains
  • Why agricultural diversity matters
  • The hidden biodiversity
  • Amazing animals ex and in situ
  • Biodiversity Biobanks: Sampling & Preservations
  • Biodiversity Biobank Data and Analytics
  • ABS & Nagoya protocol

The company exhibition will take place from May 23-25 at the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences (BOKU).

A separate exhibition possibility will be available at the public part of the conference on May 22, which will take place at the Natural History Museum. For further information please contact the congress office.


To book your desired package, please return the "Registration Form" at your earliest convenience. Space for exhibitors and other packages will be given on a first come, first serve basis.


University of Natural Resources and

Life Sciences (BOKU)

Wilhelm Exner Haus

Peter Jordan Straße 82

1190 Vienna, Austria


ÖGMBT - Austrian Association of Molecular Life Sciences and Biotechnology

Marxbox, Vienna Biocenter

Helmut-Qualtinger-Gasse 2

Stiege 02, EG L.01

1030 Vienna, Austria


ÖGMBT Members receive a 20% discount to all sponsorship opportunities with exception of awards, coffee breaks & lunch.

Premium Sponsorship Packages


  • Elite partnership of the 2018 conference
  • Logo prominently printed on the official GGBN conference bag to be received by all participants
  • Acknowledgement as Diamond Partner with logo on screens between the seeions
  • Recognition on conference website
  • Logo on fron tpage of abstract book/program booklet
  • Full colour advertisement on the back of the abstract book/program booklet; full A4 page
  • 2 inserts (flyer or folder up to 10 pages A4 or promotional items; 120 pcs.) in GGBN congress bag
  • Prominent table placement (L-Exhibitor) within the exhibition area
  • 4 paid meeting registrants and 4 tickets to the reception
  • One set of meeting materials (GGBN congress bag, delegate list with contact details)


  • Acknowledgement as Platinum Partner with logo on screens between the sessions
  • Recognition on conference website
  • Logo on front page of abstract book/ program booklet
  • Full colour advertisement inside the abstract book/program booklet; full A4 page
  • 1 insert (flyer or folder up to 10 pages A4 or promotional items; 120 pcs.) in GGBN congress bag
  • Prominent table placement (L-Exhibitor) within the exhibition area
  • 2 paid meeting registrants and 2 tickets to the reception
  • One set of meeting materials (GGBN congress bag, delegate list with contact details)

GOLD PARTNER (€ 3,000)

  • Acknowledgement as Gold Partner with logo on screens between the sessions
  • Logo on front page of abstract book/ program booklet
  • Full colour advertisement inside the abstract book/program booklet; 1/2 page A4
  • 1 insert (flyer or folder up to 10 pages A4 or promotional items; 120 pcs.) in GGBN congress bag
  • Prominent table placement (M-Exhibitor) within the exhibition area
  • 1 paid meeting registrant and 1 tickets to the reception
  • One set of meeting materials (GGBN congress bag, delegate list with contact details)

Further Packages

M-Exhibitor Package (23-25 May 2018) (€ 1,200)

  • 4 m2 exhibition area with table, chairs and electrical connection
  • Logo in the abstract book/ program booklet
  • Recognition on conference website
  • 1 paid meeting registrant
  • One set of meeting materials (GGBN congress bag, delegate list with contact details)

L-Exhibitor Package (23-25 May 2018) (€ 1,500)

  • 6 m2 exhibition area with table, chairs and electrical connection
  • Logo in the abstract book/ program booklet
  • Recognition on conference website
  • 2 paid meeting registrant
  • One set of meeting materials (GGBN congress bag, delegate list with contact details)

Insert in Congress Bag

As all participants are provided with the GGBN congress bags any information or other supplement can be easily distributed among the targeted group. 120 pcs should be provided by the sponsor.

  • Single flyer up to A4
  • Folder A5 up to 10 pages
  • Folder A4 up to 10 pages
  • Promotional items like pens, USB-sticks, notepads,...

€ 700
€ 900
€ 1,000
€ 700

Plenary Lecture / Session Package (€ 1,500)

Plenary Lectures and Main Topic Sessions are available for sponsorship.

  • Sponsors support will be acknowledged in the detailed program and with logo on the screen before the lecture
  • Additionally the sponsor representative has the opportunity to give a 5-min introduction of his company/institution before the lecture
  • 1 paid meeting registrant
  • Logo in the abstract book and recognition on the congress webpage

Full colour advertisement in the abstract book/program booklet

Each participant will get one abstract book (online pdf download) / program booklet (printed), which is used throughout the whole meeting.

  • Inside, back or front cover A4
  • Inside, full page A4
  • Inside, 1/2 page A4

€ 2,000
€ 1,500
€ 800

Lunch Package (23-25 May 2018) (€ 2,000)

The lunch breaks during the symposium are available for exclusive sponsorship. Enjoy special attention by branding your company in the programme and during lunch time.

  • Announcement of your company name in the programme
  • Logo, brochures and promo items at the catering tables for the booked lunch break
  • Up to 2 roll-ups during sponsored lunch break within the networking area
  • Announcement with logo prior to the lunch on screens
  • Logo in the abstract book and recognition on the congress webpage

Coffee Break Package (23-25 May 2018) (€ 1,000)

At the congress venue, several coffee points will be available providing excellent opportunities to promote your company with logo and brochures for the booked break. The coffee breaks will be named by your company's name in the programme. Each coffee break will be available for sponsorship.

  • Announcement of your company name in the programme
  • Logo, brochures and promo items at the coffee points for the booked break
  • One roll-up during sponsored lunch break within the networking area
  • Announcement of sponsored coffee break prior to the break on screens
  • Logo in the abstract book and recognition on the congress webpage

More Conference Information

GGBN Conference 2018