Data Usage Statistics for BIOUG, Guelph

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Report for January 2021, created on 2021-02-02

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Query terms

Query termNumber of records previewedNumber of searches
fullScientificName=Lucernaria bathyphila Haeckel, 188021
fullScientificName=Lucernaria bathyphila*22
fullScientificName=Lucernaria quadricornis Müller, 177631
fullScientificName=Lucernaria quadricornis Müller, 1776&kingdom=Animalia31
fullScientificName=Manania gwilliami Larson & Fautin, 198932
fullScientificName=Parasteatoda tepidariorum (C.L.Koch, 1841)872
fullScientificName=Webbhelix multilineata (Say, 1821)11
institution=BIOUG, Guelph15004
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