Data Usage Statistics for DMNS, Denver

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Report for September 2023, created on 2023-12-18

searches retrieved data from this resource
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Query terms

Query termNumber of records previewedNumber of searches
fullScientificName=Acinonyx jubatus (Schreber, 1775)&kingdom=Animalia31
fullScientificName=Equus grevyi Oustalet, 1882&kingdom=Animalia25
fullScientificName=Myotis Kaup, 1829704
fullScientificName=Sorex palustris334
fullScientificName=Sorex palustris&collectionYearFrom=201062
fullScientificName=Sorex palustris&collectionYearFrom=201731
sampletype=tissue&fullScientificName=Acanthis flammea flammea22
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